Dark star: Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipes for black quinoa (2024)

Overdone it a bit? Still reeling from eating more stilton in one week than you’ve had in the entire year? Need a break from all the excess? Then how about some Tofurkey? No, me neither.

If I don’t want to eat meat, cheese or gluten, there are any number of things I’d rather eat than a gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free “Tofurkey Italian sausage pizza” (and, yes, such a thing really does exist). After all, some of my favourite dishes are already naturally gluten- or dairy-free – mejadra, for instance, a dish of rice and lentils topped with piles of caramelised onions, makes it into my all-time top five. And if I fancied a gluten-free, dairy-free and meat-free pizza, I’d reach for the black olives, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms, and use chickpea flour or polenta to make the base.

What gets me down about this sort of “free-from” food is that its makers feel the need to pretend that it’s just like any other Italian sausage-topped, stretchy-cheese pizza. It’s not, and never will be.

There is, though, one type of pseudo food in which I will be indulging, and quite happily, too. I’m mildly obsessed with all grains at the best of times – be that chunky farro and kasha, or the full stop-sized teff and kaniwa, both of which I want to cook with more in the new year; but it’s pseudo grains such as buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa that I reach for after the season of excess.

A grain is the whole seed of a plant, and true grains come from plants in the grass family (wheat, rice, oats, rye, barley and millet, for example). Pseudo grains, on the other hand, come from broadleaf plant varieties, while having similar culinary uses. They deliver on all sort of levels – visually, texturally, health-wise, taste-wise – and there is nothing at all fake about them. Here’s to keeping it real in 2015.

Parsley, beetroot and black quinoa salad

This take on tabbouleh is gorgeous just as it is, but some crumbled goat’s cheese dotted all over the top makes a lovely addition, as does roughly flaked smoked mackerel or trout. Black quinoa looks beautiful, but by all means use white or red, if that’s all you have (though bear in mind that they need a bit less cooking: white quinoa is done after nine minutes in simmering water, red after about 12). Serves six.

8 small (or 4 medium) beetroots, scrubbed clean but skin left on
3 tbsp olive oil
150g black quinoa, rinsed
100g parsley, finely chopped
15g mint, shredded
5 spring onions, finely chopped
½ medium cucumber, cut in half lengthways, then cut widthways into thin slices
2 tsp nigella seeds
1 tsp allspice
2 lemons, skin, pith and seeds discarded, flesh finely chopped

For the dressing
1 clove garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
2 green chillies, deseeded and roughly chopped
2 tbsp olive oil

Heat the oven to 200C/390F/gas mark 6. To make the dressing, crush the garlic and chilli in a pestle and mortar with half a teaspoon of salt. Slowly pour in the oil, crushing all the while, until you have a thick dressing, and set aside.

Mix the beetroot with a tablespoon of oil and spread out on a medium baking tray. Roast for 40-50 minutes, until a knife goes through smoothly, remove and, once cool enough to handle, don’t peel them, but cut into quarters if small, or 2cm-wide wedges.

Cover the quinoa with plenty of water and bring to the boil. Stir once, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes, until cooked but still retaining a bite. Drain, refresh under running water and set aside to dry well.

Transfer the quinoa to a large bowl and add the herbs, spring onion, cucumber, spices and lemon flesh. Pour over the dressing and ¼ teaspoon of salt. Mix together and then spread out on a large platter. Dot the beetroot on top, drizzle with the remaining olive oil and serve.

Quinoa and spinach pancakes with soured cream and chive

Makes 12, to serve four to six.

150g soured cream
2 tbsp finely chopped chives
1½ tsp lime juice
Salt and black pepper
120g quinoa (uncooked weight)
20g unsalted butter, plus 30g melted
200g spinach leaves
Finely grated zest of 1 lime
4cm piece of ginger, peeled and finely grated
30g mint leaves, roughly torn
30g coriander leaves, roughly chopped
120ml full-fat milk
2 large eggs, separated
100g self-raising flour (or quinoa flour or another gluten-free flour
1 tsp baking powder
1½ tsp ground cumin
100g ghee or clarified butter
1 lime, quartered, to serve

In a small bowl, stir together the soured cream, chives, one and a half teaspoons of lime juice and an eighth of a teaspoon of salt, cover and put in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.

Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil and add the quinoa. Cook for nine minutes, drain, refresh under cold running water and set aside to dry in the sieve (shake the sieve a few times, to make sure you get rid of as much water as possible).

Put a large sauté pan on a medium-high heat, add the 20g butter, then wilt the spinach for two minutes. Transfer to a sieve, squeeze out any excess liquid, then chop the leaves. Put the chopped spinach in a large bowl, and mix in the lime zest, ginger, mint, coriander, milk, the melted butter and egg yolks.

In a separate bowl, stir the flour, baking powder and cumin with three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt and a good grind of black pepper, stir this into the quinoa, then stir everything into the spinach mix.

In another bowl, whisk the egg whites to soft peaks, then fold gently into the spinach mix.

Put a large frying pan on a medium-high heat and add a quarter of the ghee. Once hot, add three large dessertspoonfuls of batter, to make roughly 1cm-thick and 9cm-diameter pancakes, cook for two to three minutes on each side, until dark golden-brown and cooked through, then transfer to a baking tray. Keep in a warm oven while you repeat with the remaining batter and ghee.

Serve two or three pancakes per portion, with a wedge of lime and a spoonful of the cream sauce.

Oat and quinoa porridge with date syrup and lime

Dark star: Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipes for black quinoa (1)

Pinhead oats (aka steel cut) are oats that have been cut, softened and rolled to produce flakes, and have a pronounced texture that you don’t quite get from jumbo or porridge oats. You’ll need to get this soaking the night before, but that’s second nature to all dedicated porridge eaters. Do try to get hold of black quinoa for this: it looks great in the porridge and retains a bite that white quinoa won’t. Serves four.

225g pinhead oats
500ml whole milk
2 small cinnamon sticks
1½ tbsp caster sugar
80g black quinoa
3 tbsp date molasses
30g pistachios, toasted and roughly chopped
30g walnuts, toasted and roughly chopped
1½ tbsp lime juice

Put the oats in a medium saucepan with the milk, cinnamon, sugar and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt. Add 350ml water, cover and refrigerate overnight.

Next day, add the quinoa and 400ml more water to the pot, stir and put on a medium heat. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat to medium-low and simmer gently for 25 minutes, until the porridge is thick and smooth but the quinoa still has a bite; remove the cinnamon if sticks start to break up, or when you can taste them sufficiently in the porridge.

Divide the porridge between four shallow bowls and drizzle the date syrup on top. Sprinkle on the nuts and lime juice, and serve at once.

Yotam Ottolenghi is chef/patron of Ottolenghi and Nopi in London.

Follow Yotam on Twitter.

Dark star: Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipes for black quinoa (2024)


How to cook quinoa Ottolenghi? ›

Fill two saucepans with salted water and bring to a boil. Simmer the quinoa in one for 12 - 14 minutes and the rice in the other for 20 minutes. Both should be tender but still have a bite. Drain in a sieve and spread out the two grains separately on flat trays to hasten the cooling down.

What makes quinoa taste better? ›

Strong flavors like onions or spices work too. In a soup, you can add spices and other flavors like celery, carrot, etc. We make an amazing fried quinoa recipe that includes lots of green and white onions, which covers up the flavor of the quinoa. It tastes much better than if we'd cooked it in plain water.

Why is my quinoa not fluffy? ›

Here's the trick for perfectly fluffy quinoa: Use twice as much water as quinoa, as usual, then cook uncovered until the quinoa has absorbed all the water. The cooking time will vary based on quantity. Once the water is all absorbed, remove the pot from heat, cover it and let the quinoa steam for 5 minutes.

How do you know when black quinoa is cooked? ›

Put the quinoa into a sieve and wash well under cold running water. Tip into a saucepan and pour in 400ml cold water and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil over a medium heat, then reduce to a simmer over a low heat and cook gently for 10-15 mins until the quinoa is fully cooked and all the water has been absorbed.

Why should you soak quinoa before cooking? ›

*Soaking grains helps to remove some of the naturally occurring phytic acid in the grain, which helps improve digestibility and speed cook time. To soak: Rinse quinoa thoroughly then add to a large mixing bowl or pot and cover with twice the amount of lukewarm water (2 cups water, 1 cup quinoa).

Do you have to rinse quinoa before boiling? ›

Some people are particularly sensitive to saponins, which is why unrinsed cooked quinoa has a reputation for tasting bitter. However, most quinoa that is sold in packages has been "pre-rinsed," which means the saponins have been removed and rinsing isn't necessary.

Is black quinoa better than regular quinoa? ›

Black quinoa is the least commonly used as it is the most difficult to find, and production of it in South America is less than white and red varieties. While similar in texture to red quinoa, black quinoa has an “earthier” flavour and tends to taste sweeter than white quinoa.

What is benefit of black quinoa? ›

Quinoa is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber. A high fiber diet has been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, improve digestion, help to lower blood sugar levels, and contribute to healthy weight. Quinoa contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

Is it better to eat quinoa at night or in the morning? ›

Mornings demand something healthy and tasty and we think there's no better way to start our day than quinoa. This super grain is packed with loads of proteins, fibre and iron so when you have it for breakfast be assured of less hunger pangs and sugar cravings throughout the day.

Why do I feel good after eating quinoa? ›

Quinoa is a good source of a number of important nutrients, including folate, magnesium, zinc, and iron. It's also rich in fiber and protein, nutrients that play an important role in helping you feel full ( 5 ).

Is quinoa healthier than rice? ›

Quinoa is rich in both fiber and protein, contains a much higher amount of other nutrients, and has a similar fluffy texture to the rice. A cup of quinoa contains twice more protein and about 5 g more fiber than white rice. Quinoa contains fewer calories and carbohydrates than white rice.

What color quinoa tastes best? ›

White, red, or black? They're pretty much all the same nutritionally—so go with what tastes best to you, says Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, owner of Nutrition Starring You, LCC. White quinoa is the least bitter of the three, while red and black have a chewier texture that holds up better in cold dishes like salads.

What happens if you dont rinse quinoa? ›

It wasn't a huge difference in texture, but definitely noticeable. Rinsing quinoa definitely starts to hydrate the seeds. Flavor – In terms of flavor, the unrinsed quinoa definitely had a nuttier, earthier flavor, but I didn't find it bitter at all. The rinsed quinoa was definitely milder and the flavors more muted.

Why does quinoa taste weird? ›

So as an evolutionary defense against being eaten by birds, quinoa grows with a natural coating of a substance called saponin. Saponin has a bitter flavor which discourages birds from eating it. Unfortunately, it will also discourage you from eating it, unless you do something about it.

What to add to quinoa to make it taste good? ›

Lemon Herb Quinoa: This is one of my go-to side dishes to serve with meat. It is made by cooking quinoa with onion and garlic and then mixing it with lemon juice, lemon zest, and fresh parsley. Quinoa Lentil recipe: Cooking quinoa and green lentils together is a great way to flavor otherwise tasteless quinoa.

How do you pimp up quinoa? ›

Easy ways to flavor quinoa: Broth: first and foremost, change up the liquid that you're using to cook your quinoa. Rather than using water, try to change it up for broth (veggie, chicken, beef, mushroom, etc). You can also use coconut milk if you're wanting something a little more creamy/tropical.

What to pair with quinoa? ›

Quinoa's got the carbs covered, so you'll likely want to add some additional protein (eggs, lentils, beans, tofu, chicken), a fat (olive oil, nuts, butter, cheese), and, ideally, some kind of fruit or vegetable (broccoli, berries, squash, spinach).

Why do you toast quinoa before cooking? ›

When you toast quinoa it will darken to a golden-brown colour and develop a nutty taste. Toasting quinoa also helps keep the grains (seeds, actually) separate while cooking, meaning that your quinoa will be less sticky and gummy.

Do you need to soak black quinoa? ›

Quinoa just needs to be rinsed, not soaked, before use, because it's covered in a very bitter-tasting natural coating. You would only soak it if you plan to sprout it.

Can your body fully digest quinoa? ›

Some foods, quinoa included, contain some fiber that is not meant to be digested. We call it insoluble or indigestible fiber, and its job is to pass through the system and pull out waste along with it. Think of it like tape or a brush that you use to remove lint from a sweater.

Should black quinoa be crunchy? ›

It should not be crunchy. Not crunchy. Soft, but with a bit of a bite to it. Al Dente, like pasta.

How long to soak quinoa to remove saponins? ›

In a small bowl, combine quinoa, lemon juice or vinegar, and water. Cover bowl and let sit for 12-24 hours. Drain and rinse quinoa in fresh water.

What is the best temperature for quinoa? ›

Although the ideal temperature for cultivating quinoa is between 15 °C and 20 °C (FAO, 2011), several investigations affirm that this plan tolerates maximum and minimum temperatures between -4 °C and 30 °C respectively (Bazile, Bertero & Nieto, 2014), advantages that have allowed them to expand into different tropical ...

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