9 Nut Milk Recipes That Put the Watered-Down Store-Bought Stuff to Shame (2024)

We know: Buying nut milk is so convenient. And it can be relatively inexpensive if you stick to staple brands like Almond Breeze and Whole Foods’ 365. But nothing beats homemade. If you want ultra-creamy, perfectly nutty, smooth-as-can-be nut milk, making it yourself is the way to go. And fortunately, it’s not that hard (if you have a little patience). These nine DIY nut milk recipes, ranging from almond milk recipes to cashew ones, are all the proof—and flavors—you need.

It’s worth noting that homemade nut milk only stays fresh a few days (it’s recommended you down it within three days), but we don’t think that’ll be a problem—we couldn’t even make ours last one!

1. Ridiculously Easy Homemade Almond Milk

9 Nut Milk Recipes That Put the Watered-Down Store-Bought Stuff to Shame (1)Share on Pinterest

Do you ever click on a recipe labeled “ridiculously easy” to find out it’s anything but? This homemade almond milk recipe is the exact opposite. Made with only two ingredients—almonds and water—and requiring three foolproof steps, it may just be the most ridiculously easy (and ridiculously delicious) recipe we’ve ever attempted. Simply soak the almonds overnight, blend with water, and strain through a nut milk cloth (or muslin cloth). It’s nutty how easy it is.

2. Homemade Cardamom Vanilla Cashew Milk

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No fancy equipment, no mess, and no waste? Count us in. This six-ingredient cashew milk only requires a blender, meaning there’s no excuse not to try it. Sweetened with vanilla extract and maple syrup and spiced with ground cardamom, it tastes like fall in a glass—though we certainly won’t be limiting it to one season. Shake before serving and feel free to try alternate spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

3. Pecan Milk

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Pecans aren’t the cheapest nuts, but they do create one of the most decadent nut milks. So while it may not be great for everyday use, it’s an excellent recipe for special occasions or when you’re craving a naturally sweet treat. We love it in iced coffee (try serving it with brunch to impress your friends), mixed into dairy-free ice cream, or simply chilled in a glass. Soak, blend, sweeten, and serve.

4. Raw Nutella Milk

Healthy Nutella? We thought we were dreaming when we saw this recipe too. This adult spin on chocolate milk uses cacao, hazelnuts, vanilla extract, dates, and water to create a subtly sweet, rich nut milk. Because hazelnuts have thicker skin, this recipe does require a nut milk bag, but the pulp makes a great addition to baked goods and can even be made into hazelnut meal. How’s that for fighting food waste?

5. DIY Pistachio Milk

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Pale green milk may not scream “drink me!” but after you taste this pistachio milk recipe, you’ll be singing—and perhaps even shouting—its praises. Made with only four ingredients—nuts, water, vanilla extract, and maple syrup—it’s simple and worth going green for. Pro tip: Enjoy heated for a cozy treat in the winter.

6. Coffee Nut Milk

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Homemade nut milk poured into coffee is amazing (especially when the milk is heated and spiced with cinnamon). But why go through those steps when you can simply pour yourself a cup of coffee nut milk? Yep, it’s brilliant. This recipe blends fresh espresso with homemade almond milk, making mornings that much simpler and more satisfying. (Psst… roasted almonds make it taste even more awesome.)

7. Homemade Walnut Milk

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If you’re devoted to unsweetened nut milk, try using walnuts. The nut adds just the right amount of natural sweetness and is a great, but not drastic, departure from almond milk. As with most DIY nut milk recipes, all that’s required is soaking (walnuts do well with longer soaking), blending, and straining. Add sweetener as needed or sip au naturel (our personal favorite).

8. DIY Vanilla Brazil Nut Milk

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Adding one spice: delicious. Adding two: extraordinary. This homemade nut milk uses cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, and dates to create a dairy-free drink that could pass as dessert. We love adding turmeric to transform it into a golden milk or pouring it over our granola when we’re craving something a little sweeter.

9. Strawberry Macadamia Nut Milk

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Macadamia nuts have a slightly buttery taste, making them the perfect complement to fresh strawberries and honey. This homemade nut milk is light, sweet, and juicy, and though it tastes like a milkshake, it won’t result in a sugar crash.

9 Nut Milk Recipes That Put the Watered-Down Store-Bought Stuff to Shame (2024)
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